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A brief presentation of some of our long standing customers.


The Greece-based Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) is the Greek organisation for Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Rational Use of Energy (RUE) and Energy Saving (ES).
Founded in September 1987, CRES is a public entity, supervised by the Ministry of Development having financial and administrative independence.

With a scientific staff of more than 120 highly experienced and specialised scientists, and engineers, CRES operates in two main fields of activity:
* As a Research and Technological Centre for RES/RUE/ES, by developing applied research for the new energy technologies and by technically supporting the market for the penetration and the implementation of these technologies.
* As the National Energy Centre, working on energy planning and policy for RES and ES and developing the necessary infrastructure to support the implementation of RES&ES investment projects.

Over the years CRES has participated in more than 600 European, national and international projects. These include applied research projects and development, demonstration projects, energy policy studies, development of energy information systems and energy modelling, investment feasibility studies, technical and economic studies, environmental impact assessments, market research as well as activities for the promotion of RES/RUE/ES. Through these projects, CRES has developed co-operation with numerous public and private organisations, at a national, European and international level.

CRES is a full member of MEASNET.

Symmetron supplies CRES with wind and solar energy measurement equipment since 1992.

2EN S.A.

Greece-based 2EN¢s experience in Renewable Energy Sources spans more than a decade. Its main activities include conducting wind potential measurements and wind farm energy yield estimations, developing and constructing photovoltaic plants as well as autonomous power supply systems, and marketing biomass heating systems.

Featuring a high level of expertise and highly trained personnel, 2EN undertakes complete projects, from equipment supply, designing and licensing to building, running and servicing services.
2EN is actively extending its international sales network and has gained recognition by supplying products and services in countries such as Italy, Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cyprus and Libya.

Symmetron supplies 2EN with wind energy measurement equipment since 1998.


Rokas Renewables holds a leading position in the sector of Wind Energy in Greece, with total installed capacity 217.3 MW.
Since 2004, Rokas is an Iberdrola Renovables Company. Iberdrola Renovables is a world leader in Wind Energy, with considerable presence all over the word.
Besides its leadership in the sector of Wind Energy, Rokas has been a leader in the sector of electromechanical equipment since 1958. In 2008 the constructions leg of the Group was transferred to Rokas Constructions SA which is a Rokas Group company.

Symmetron supplies Rokas with wind energy measurement equipment since 1999.


Based in Greece, TERNA ENERGY SA is actively involved in the production of energy from Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and, in particular, in the construction and operation of Wind Farms, Small Hydroelectric Plants and Integrated Process Units for the overall management and energy utilization of wastes and biomass.
Terna undertakes the full spectrum of activities and works required for the materialization of RES installations, from the investigation of the available renewable energy potential, to the design, licensing and construction, as well as operation, maintenance and commercial exploitation of RES units.  

Terna, with its overall portfolio of RES projects in operation, under construction or in an advanced stage of development, has already started a systematic effort to expand in other countries, carrying out wind measurements and wind park developments in selected locations (SE Europe, Asia, S.America).
Backed by its parent company, Terna S.A., one of the largest constructional companies in Greece, was certified as one of the ¡STRONGEST COMPANIES IN GREECE¢ for 2010.

Symmetron supplies Terna Energy with wind energy measurement equipment since 2000.


Based in Greece, ELLAKTOR Group is the largest constructional group in Greece. ELLAKTOR entered the renewable energy sector in 2001. Currently operates 9 wind farms and 1 photovoltaic plant of total installed capacity 118 MW. 116 MW are currently under construction, of which 72 MW will be operational by the end of 2011. Long-term financing has been secured for all the projects that are currently operating and are under construction.
ELLAKTOR is present in the thermal electricity generation sector through Elpedison Power, the 2nd largest electricity producer in Greece. The company currently operates 1 gas-fired 390 MW CCGT in Thessaloniki (T- Power), 1 gas-fired 420 MW CCGT in Thisvi, Viotia, while additional thermal power plants are under development.

The Group is also present in the solar energy (Photovoltaic) sector through BIOSAR Energy S.A., a market leader in 2008-2010 in Greece (Ca. 20 MWp have been installed and grid connected in Greece, while Ca. 20 MWp are under construction).

Symmetron supplies ELLAKTOR with wind energy measurement equipment since 2000.


Greece-based Wind Engineering is active since 2003 in the field of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Saving Applications.
The personnel have a long professional experience (since 1991) and technical expertise in technical-physical measurements, environmental assessments, technical and financial feasibility studies, energy yield calculations, design-development-optimization and technical support of RES applications, consulting and licencing procedures.

The company provides independent technical assessments (due diligence) of RES projects for investors, developers and banks from Greece and abroad. Wind Engineering designs photovoltaic applications on buildings and on land properties.
The Wind Energy Laboratory of Wind Engineering provides measurement and calibration services accredited according to EN ?SO 17025:2005.
The company has state-of-the-art equipment (software and hardware), experienced and well-trained technical teams for the installation and maintenance of measurement systems.

Symmetron supplies Wind Engineering with energy measurement equipment since 2003.


Based in Spain, Barlovento Recursos Naturales, is a leader company in engineering, consultancy and testing of renewable energies. One of the most respected companies in the reneable energy sector, they deliver the highest technical quality and independence that allows them to act as advisors for utilities, promoters, manufacturers, financial entities, investors, civil service and governing bodies.
Besides Spain they keep offices in South America, France and Romania.

With over 1000 wind farm assessments, in more than 30 countries all around the world, Barlovento is also a full member of MEASNET, an international organization which the most prestigious research centres devoted to wind energy belong to.

Symmetron supplies Barlovento with wind and solar energy measurement equipment since 2004.


Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab or JLab) is one of 17 national laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

The lab¢s primary mission is to conduct basic research of the atom's nucleus using the lab¢s unique particle accelerator, known as the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF). Jefferson Lab also conducts a variety of research using its Free-Electron Laser, which is based on the same electron-accelerating technology used in CEBAF.

JEFFERSON LAB also applies its unique technical capabilities to developing radiation detectors and medical imaging devices. In addition to its science mission, the lab provides programs designed to help educate the next generation in science and technology, and to engage the public.

In collaboration with the University of Athens, Nuclear Physics Chair, Symmetron developed a system for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter Calibration of the GlueX experiment.
The system comprised over 4000 high speed photon emitters distributed over the surface of the calorimeter.


France¢s Electricite de France SA, with over 156000 employees around the globe, generates, transforms, markets, and distributes electric power.

EDF is committed to:

• Delivering a reliable, energy-efficient power supply backed by unbeatable customer service
• Ensuring maximum energy safety
• Remaining at the forefront of energy technology—whether for nuclear, hydro, wind, or solar power—and leading the drive towards a carbon-free world.

EDF is one the 2 top producers in Greece¢s wind energy market (the other is Rokas Renewables, also a Symmetron customer).
EDF is using Symmetron measurement equipment since 2006.


With 18 years' experience and more than 25,000 MW installed in 40 countries, Gamesa is a global technological leader in the wind industry. Its comprehensive response includes also the wind turbine's operation and maintenance services that manages for more than 18,000 MW.

The company has production centres in the main wind markets: Spain and China, as the global production and supply hubs, while maintaining its local production capacity in India, US, and Brazil.

Gamesa is also a world leader in the development, construction and sale of wind farms, having installed over 5,000 MW and having a portfolio of 25,000 MW in Europe, America and Asia.

The annual equivalent of its more than 25,000 MW installed amounts to more than 5 million tons of petroleum (TEP) per year and prevents the emission into the atmosphere of about 36 million tonnes of CO2 per year.

Gamesa is using Symmetron measurement equipment since 2001.


Fluke Corporation is the world leader in the manufacture, distribution and service of electronic test tools and software.

Since its founding in 1948, Fluke has helped define and grow a unique technology market, providing testing and troubleshooting capabilities that have grown to mission critical status in manufacturing and service industries. Every new manufacturing plant, office, hospital, or facility built today represents another potential customer for Fluke products.

From industrial electronic installation, maintenance and service, to precision measurement and quality control, Fluke tools help keep business and industry around the globe up and running. Typical customers and users include technicians, engineers, metrologists, medical-device manufacturers, and computer network professionals — people who stake their reputations on their tools, and use tools to help extend their personal power and abilities.

Fluke has achieved the number one or number two position in every market in which it competes. The Fluke brand has a reputation for portability, ruggedness, safety, ease of use and rigid standards of quality.

Symmetron has been an OEM for Fluke and Fluke¢s ITT Pomona subsidiary for over 10 years.
Developed and manufactured by Symmetron, the Logic Scope Probe converted a standard analog oscilloscope into a low-cost Logic Analyzer. Being well ahead of its time, it actually introduced the concept of the Mixed Signal oscilloscope.

Full systems


Symmetron Dataloggers




Anemometers/ Wind Vanes


Anemometer/ Wind Vane Signal Converters


Wind vane verification and calibration


Temperature/ Humidity/ Bar. Pressure Sensors


PT100 Signal Converters


Rain Height sensors


Tilt sensors


Wind Towers


